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Serving up a moveable feast.

An evolving discussion between leaders on topics that matter.

The Brytemoore Notes is a limited-run print journal for leaders. Each copy of the first edition, released in 2019, was given either over coffee or with a handwritten note to a specific leader.


Everyone receiving it was asked to read, enjoy, and (having found one thing they loved about it) give their copy to another leader who they respect and hoped to have a conversation with.

There is no digital footprint of the complete publication.

We recognize that not having a digital version is a rare and somewhat counter-intuitive thing in this content-hungry world, but it’s intentional. That's what makes it so special to receive a copy of the Brytemoore Notes from us or another leader you respect.


Part of our intent is to start meaningful discussions between leaders. Because of this, individual copies of the Brytemoore Notes aren’t available for purchase.


So, if you’d like access to the insights and conversations, we encourage you to reach out, bring us in to talk, or find a leader who received a copy so you can see the real thing. You can also download a much-shortened version in our press kit.

If you’d like...

...a press kit, here it is. to speak at an event or gathering,

send us a note. hear what we’re writing about now and next—take us for coffee. receive a future edition, introduce yourself.


214 Sullivan Street

Suite 3B

New York, NY 10012



© 2019 The Brytemoore Group, Inc.

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